New IVF Products to Unveil at ESHRE 2016

Jul 01, 2016

New IVF Products to Unveil at ESHRE 2016

Yes, that's right!

We are coming to ESHRE with new and exciting products to offer


Bigger and Better!

Esco Medical는 IVF작업의 흐름 향상을 위해 새로운 장비개발에 힘쓰고 있습니다.


좋은 결과를 위해서는 ART 전 과정에서 최적의 환경조건조절이 가능해야합니다.

3) SCE(The Semi Environment) line은 microscopy와 ICSI를 안정적인 최적의 환경조건에서 수행할 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다.

또한, Embryo incubation은 기존의 Esco Miri Time-Lapse와 Miri Benchtop Incubators보다 성능 면에서 뛰어나며 Silent Embryo Hypothesis 기능이 추가되었습니다.

올해에는 작은 용량을 선호하는 소비자를 위해 1) Mini Miri Benchtop incubator라는 신제품을 출시할 예정입니다.


많은 관심을 받은 제품, 2) Esco Fertilisafe Workstation은 workstation 내부에 incubation chambers가 더해지면서 더 완벽하게 업그레이드 되었습니다.

업그레이드 된 Fertilisafe Workstation은 전시회에서 직접 확인하실 수 있습니다.


Esco는 ART 제품시장의 더 나은 미래를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이에 4) AuviS와 Automatic Vitrification System이 새롭게 출시되었습니다.


Esco 신제품을 만나볼 수 있는 최고의 기회!

핀란드에서 열리는 ESHRE 2016(7월 3일부터 6일, 4일간), Esco 부스(C179)로 초대합니다.




1) Mini Miri Benchtop Incubator
Ensuring unique environment for IVF Human Embryo Culture

Built on the robust and reliable Miri, the Mini Miri Benchtop incubator is a compact humidified incubator that provides stable culture environment.

Key Features:

  • Dual Chamber System
  • Stable and precise temperature, gas concentration and pH
  • Excellent Quality Control Features
  • Ergonomic Design. Superior Flexibility
  • Humidified System






2) Semi Closed Environment (SCE)

Maximum Performance and Controlled Procedures

Perform microscopy and ICSI in a stable, controlled and completely monitored CO2 and temperature area. The SCE line has two variants: SCE ICSI and SCE IVF.

Key Features:

  • With incubator compartments that can be accessed from both inside and outside the SCE.
  • Controllable heated zones on the work area.
  • HEPA-VOC filtration of the airstream.
  • Data Logger software.







3) Fertilisafe IVF Workstation
Next generation Multizone Workstation 

The Fertilisafe™ Multi-zone ART Workstation is not just your ordinary laminar flow hood for gamete or embryo manipulation during IVF but it has been built to complement your existing routine processes thru superior features that no other workstations can surpass. It now has the option of integrating within the cabinet Miri chambers.

Key Features:

  • Now has the option to be integrated with two (2) Miri chambers
  • Multi-heated zones (10 per work area)
  • Humidification system
  • Full performance tracks with the Surveillance System
  • Antimicrobial coating with ISOCIDE powder coat
  • Low noise and vibration level that makes it perfect for sensitive procedures like IVF and other ART techniques.






4) AuviS Vitrification
Automatic Vitrification System

We have made the prototype of this fully automatic vitrification system. You will experience it first hand during the show. It is for testing and all inputs and ideas gathered shall be used to bring this product to the next stage.

Key Features:

  • Fully automatic vitrification
  • Minimal handling
  • Time-saving and less stress
  • Focus on other important procedures


Catch us soon at Booth C179, Hall 6 of the Messukesus Expo, Helsinki, Finland from July 3 to 6, 2016.

It would be a great pleasure to see you there! Book a meeting with us.


* 자세한 내용 및 미팅관련 문의 *