Peru reports first pregnancy with Miri TL

Peru reports first pregnancy with Miri TL

Dr. Jimmy Portella (left) and Dr. Luis Guzmán (right) with the Miri Time-Lapse Incubator at their clinic in Peru.


Miri TL을 사용중인 페루 클리닉에서 성공적인 첫 임신 소식을 전해왔습니다. 

Dr. Jimmy Portella, IVF Laboratory Director, and Dr. Luis Guzmán, Scientific Director of PRANOR Group of Assisted Reproduction, are proud to announce that through their clinic, the first pregnancy through time-lapse embryo selection was successfully recorded in Peru. In a clinical case study published in the Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics in May 2016, Dr. Portella and his team demonstrated that the Miri TL has far superior benefits as compared to conventional incubators. Two main reasons stated were: (1) stable conditions of temperature and gas parameters from fertilization until the 5th or 6th day of cultivation, without the need of removing the embryos out from the incubator and (2) it allows for observation of embryonic development to know the timing and synchrony of cell division (morphokinetic).

“Unlike in a conventional morphological evaluation wherein we can only obtain five (5) images in 120 hours of culture (1 image every 24 hours), the Miri TL can capture 440 images in a single focal plane and 10,080 images in total for seven focal planes. This technology gives us valuable information for embryonic selection”, says Dr. Portella. In one case, by using the simple criterion of t5, s2 and cc2, they were able to select five eligible embryos for transfer. However, when they reviewed the time-lapse sequences, and by adding the morphological characteristics, they were able to reduce the most viable embryo to implant into two, which eventually resulted to positive pregnancy.

Full paper can be downloaded here